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Anouk Looten

Designer Biography

Anouk Looten enjoys designing sets, costumes and masks. Her designs encompass period classics, children and youth theatre and contemporary creations. Her personal favorites are clown and physical theatre, and she is keen to explore the conceptual limits of designing for the stage. Her costume style is narrative yet seeks to reveal the secrets the character holds within. She makes confident use of bold colour and textural matter.

After studying Theatre Design in Nottingham (England), Anouk lived and worked in Edinburgh (Scotland) and then Paris (France). Some European productions include Crime and Punishment (Avignon Festival Fringe 2004), Lucrèce Borgia (directed by Stéphane Aucante), La Guinguette a Rouvert ses Volets (Didier Bailly's musical), Frozen (written by Bryony Lavery) and Ionesco's Exit the King. Anouk studied mask-making and acting under John Wright. She also worked as Curator's assistant to Katriona Hazell at the National Museum of Scotland on the exhibition The Power of the Mask (Edinburgh 1993)

Since 2006 she lives and works in Montreal. Recent productions include Wake of the Bones (directed by Andrew Johnston), A Raisin in the Sun (Black Theatre Workshop), Omaterra (circus art by City of Sherbrooke) and La Petite Ecole du Jazz (International Jazz Festival).

Designer Gallery

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Costume at the Turn of the Century (1990 - 2015) - Moscow, Russia - - June-August 2015

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